Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My New Best Friend

Sunflower Seeds!

Wow what a life saver! They are the first thing I've come across that is keeping the naseau away. I have really been dying the last few days and I popped a few in my mouth and oh, what sweet relief!! I'll need to make sure I'm drinking some extra water because these are so salty. If anyone out there wants to try them - I strongly endorse the Jumbo Brand Sunflower Seeds in their shell.

I also need to give some props. Yesterday, after my post about bad dreams and Arrested Development, Sarah over at dreamsandfalsealarms tried to post the comment:

"Perhaps you should consult an analrapist about those bad dreams..."

It seems like google wouldn't allow the post - but this kind of genius needs to be known.

Hilarious - I'm still giggling over it.


Anonymous said...

That's funny, sunflower seeds always make me nauseous (not pregnant). Glad you found something that works!

The Amily Diaries said...

While I have not had any nausea I have been craving sunflower seeds. I have always loved them so that may or may not be a pregnancy thing :]

Mommy J's Wild Ride said...

I'm just catching up on your entries after having been gone for a week. I was glad to see that someone else pregnant is loving sunflower seeds :) Did you know that you can buy them raw and they really are just as good? We get them from Whole Foods along with raw cashews and they're all delicious! Even when my Hyperemesis was at it's worst, I could keep down seeds. Just a thought :) My partner was glad to see M.S. She's a MAD Broncos fan, lol. Hope that all is well, take care :)

2girlsandtheirfamily said...

J was totally the opposite! She used to love sunflower seeds - COULDN'T get enough of them, but every since she's been pregnant, she can't stand them. Glad you found something to curb the nausea!

Carrie said...

i miss your posts!!! where'd you go? :D :)