Tuesday, November 4, 2008

33.3% There...

I'm a third of the way done with what could shape up to be a perfect day.

Earlier today, we graduated from our RE and will move on to a regular OB/GYN. Our little bean is about an inch long and has a great heartbeat that we got to hear for the first time today. It was definately bittersweet to graduate - we love this clinic.

My symptoms have definately been kicking in alot more - but they are still manageable. In fact, I'm really kind of enjoying them. I've had alot more naseau - not every day, it seems like I'll have 2 days with and 1 day without. Today is a day without (hopefully tonight's election results won't do anything to change that). Instead of peeing once in the middle of the night, I'm now peeing twice. My heartburn has intensified in severity and frequency and my boobs are distractingly huge. I love it all.

Now I just need Obama to win and Prop 8 to fail and I'll have my trifecta.


N said...

Hurrah for graduation!

I've got my fingers crossed for the other two, and did my part for the one I could. :D

Anonymous said...

Yay for graduation. Wonderful news! I am all in knots about the other two as well.

Laurie said...

Obama mission complete... now waiting for Prop 8 results to come in...

Mommy J's Wild Ride said...

Yay for Obama! We're crushed that Prop 8 isnt going to pass. We're hopeful with %7 still left to be counted, but we're stunned, being from there, that Los Angeles County voted YES! Dont give up, our familys will be recognized!