Sunday, October 26, 2008


We are on vacation right now, but I really wanted to find a computer so that I could post this update. A few hours before we got on the plane, we had an u/s and we saw a heartbeat! In our previous u/s, the doctor said we should see one next time, but I didn't want to get my hopes up and then be disappointed. I figured that one of the worst things I could do to myself is get myself all worked up about a heartbeat and then NOT see one and then get on a plane and go on vacation for a week and a half. We went into the appointment with the mindset that if we see one, we see one and if we don't, we don't. No big deal.

But it was there and it was beautiful and we burst into tears upon seeing it on the screen. I still get a little choked up thinking about it. It definately makes this pregancy feel more real and I've found myself really enjoying being pregnant right now rather than worrying about what will or will not happen next.

My symptoms have been pretty manageable so far. Aside from the sore bbs, frequent peeing and 2 naps a day - the heartburn is starting to kick in big time. I haven't had much naseau or anything - a few isolated incidents, but nothing debilitating. No major food aversions - except for today. We took a day trip to Provincetown and for lunch, C had a seafood bouillibasse and every once in a while a little squid would find it's way to the surface and I'd feel the walls start to cave in on me.

The computer connection we have is slower than dial-up so I'm sorry that I haven't been able to comment lately. Please know that I'm thinking about you all and hoping for the best.


S. said...

WOW!! congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

YA! YAY! YAY! I am so happy for you guys. Best news!

Lizzie said...

Yay for the heartbeat! Have a wonderful vacation!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the heartbeat! What a wonderful moment.

If you need to take it, Zantac is perfectly safe during pregnancy. Nutella survived on 75mg twice a day to ward off the heartburn.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yay for the heartbeat! Enjoy your vacation!