Thursday, October 16, 2008

No Blood Test??

We had our first appointment today post testing positive. I thought it was going to be an u/s and a bloodtest - but it turned out just to be an u/s. For some reason, I'm not more nervous and uncertain that I was prior to the appointment, and the u/s gave us good news!

The can see the pregnancy and they can see the yolk sac - they are very happy. There were alot of handshakes from the doctors and hugs from the nurses. Why do I feel unsettled?

Last time I tested positive, with the IUI, my initial hcg number was low. It was 39, so we were going in every two days for more blood tests to see how it was progressing. I guess it's just that I feel that blood tests results are completely definitive whereas an u/s is subjective. How does the doctor KNOW that what he's seeing is a yolk sac? Everything looks pretty blurry on that u/s screen - isn't it his interpretation? C reminded me that this is what they do every single day - they look at that screen and see what's on it.

Next week, we go in for another u/s where the doctor said we should be able to see a heartbeat. He told us to hold off on telling the world until we see the heartbeat because the chance of miscarriage decreases after that.

I wish I could just be excited about the fact that TODAY, we got good news. We got a good report and there's no reason to think that anything bad will happen. I'm really tired and that's probably contributing to my feeling uncertain.


N said...

ugh. I'm sorry you guys didn't get that reassurance.

We haven't had an u/s yet, but we had two betas done (first low, second okay), and I'm SO paranoid that I'm actually looking to that u/s for confirmation. *sighs* It's never easy, is it?

S. said...

im with you 100%. its really hard to stop worrying! i can usually only allow myself 15 or 20 minutes of good news/happiness before i start worrying about the next step. getting to the heartbeat ultrasound is a big one!

Anonymous said...

You're going to be a mom - worrying is part of it!

Get a good night's sleep and revisit when you are well-rested. Having a lack of sleep is no way to make your way through all of this.

Another thing that I find helps when I worry is to just give yourself ten or fifteen minutes to worry, fret, panic, and "what if" myself to death... and know that, after your allotted time is up, you have to move on and realize that it's not in your control.

Anonymous said...

I know you didn't get the reassurance you wanted but I am so happy you had an ultrasound and it went well.

Anonymous said...

Believe that doctor- if it looked good on the screen, chances are things are progressing well. Congrats!

Here's a picture of our first ultrasound, when all we saw was the outline of the yolk sac and a speck for the fetal pole.

Anonymous said...

Hm..don't think that worked.

Anonymous said...

and, it's such an uncertain time. Wishing for the best.

Lizzie said...

I'm sorry you're not more reassured by their assessment/happiness, but I think fear goes with the territory here .... hoping the next u/s brings you the calm you are looking for!