Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Tomorrow is our blood test. I'm 40% optimistic, 30% terrified and 30% numb. I've had plenty of symptoms that can easily be chalked up to the progesterone and the patches and I'm missing symptoms that seem like pregnancy must haves. The 40% optimistic is largely connected with one particular symptom that feels legit. At a number of points over the past week, I have felt this tickle and itch behind my belly button. It's hard to describe - but it feels like something is happening down there.

We'll see. Either way, I just want to get on with my life. Yesterday was my birthday and C was great about making it very special, but it just feels like I can't celebrate or completely feel anything until we know if this worked.

We'll be OK either way. I've been really emotional over the last week - I think in some ways I might be guarding myself from a blindsided BFN like our last IUI attempt. I'm ready to move forward or move on.


Pufferfish said...

I hope so much for both of you that the tickle is a positive. One more day...keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Lizzie said...

Happy birthday (yesterday). Thinking of you and hoping this worked!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday fellow Libra! Fingers crossed for you two tomorrow. 40% optimistic is good!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Mine was yesterday too :-) I wish with all my heart that the tickle is a very good sign.

Eva said...

Happy Belated and good luck. I hope it worked!

S. said...

cant wait to hear the results!! wishing you lots of good luck today!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Anxiously awaiting good news...