Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Sorry for the delay in posting. My mom was in town for the past several days.

I have started doing acupuncture as a lead up to our first IVF cycle. When C and I were going over the IVF cycle, they actually gave us a card for a practitioner who they’ve worked with for the past several years. My initial thought was, acupuncture isn’t for me – I’ll pass. After thinking about it for a few days, I had a change of heart. We’ve had 3 unsuccessful IUI cycles and have probably experienced only a fraction of the heartache that many of you have experienced. Even though it’s only been 3, it has still taken its toll. After the miscarriage, I was definitely hopeful on attempt #3, but a little detached. I was saying all the right things and doing the right things, but feeling it less. It’s definitely a coping mechanism of mine. I’m every bit a Libra and tend to escape to my head, much to the pain and suffering of my water-sign wife.

I got to thinking that we (mainly I) could really benefit from pairing a more intense, aggressive TTC path with something a little more spiritually-inspired. This is not my normal go-to which made it that much more appealing as a way to connect a little bit more to this process.

The practitioner, who I love already, specializes in acupuncture for fertility treatment. The goal is two-fold. First, the treatments are designed to increase and improve blood flow. Since more medication is required for IVF and since it travels through the blood, the idea is that acupuncture will help it get to where it needs to be. Second, the treatment is designed to create a memory of relaxation and then on the day of the transfer, she’ll look to replicate this space in order to make my body more receptive to a ‘foreign object’. We’ll do weekly sessions and then on the day of the transfer, she’ll do a procedure at the fertility clinic just before and just after the transfer.

So far – I’m sold. I’ve only had one session, but I really enjoyed it. I think I’ve still got some work to do in terms of getting out of my head and into my body, but I feel good about this direction.

Have you guys done anything like this?


Eva said...

Well, I do acupuncture and I can't say for sure that it works because I've never seen a BFP but I have heard a ton of really really great things about the effects. For my upcoming IVF cycle, I will do one session right before and right after. Are you doing Chinese herbs as well? I did them once and I'm not sure if I would recommend them. My RE is completely against herbs, but he also is not a fan of acupuncture. What I like about the acu sessions is the feeling of calm it brings me. I think that if it does nothing else but helps me relax, that would be enough.

Anonymous said...

I am a Libra with a water sign wife in CA too :-)I have tried Acu before, I enjoyed it but gave it up when we decided S was going first. I have heard wonderful things about it for IVF cycles.I hope it works for you.

Pufferfish said...

I'm 100% behind acupuncture. My therapist is a fertility specialist and a doula. She knows my cycle SO much better than my RE. We spend at least 20 minutes before every session going over my chart and talking. Without her, I'd be having a much rougher time.
While it hasn't gotten me pregnant....yet...it has been great and very relaxing. I was also dealing with headaches and those have greatly diminished.
Good Luck!

Pufferfish said...
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The Fertility Acupuncturist said...

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are very helpful in preparing your body for making a baby. However, it's not magic and therefore I recommend working closely with an acupuncturist to properly prepare you body for your next cycle. I wonder about your luteal phase. Do your BBT temperatures stay up for a solid 12 days? I often see patients with failed IUIs and IVFs, who have luteal phase defect...a luteal phase shorter than 12 days. You can learn more about charing at my site, if you're interested, at The Fertility Acupuncturist
Good luck to you!