Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Plugging Along

Good u/s today. My lining is 9.8, which they said was great because they are usually hoping to see 8 right about now. I've got 4-5 follies on each side each growing at about the same pace. They said that this is what they like to see rather than one pulling ahead of the rest. The follies are measuring in the 11-12 range.

According to the master calendar, our egg retrieval should be taking place this Sunday, but they said that it will be delayed by a few days. It doesn't sound like a big deal - they just want those follies to keep growing a bit. I think they said that they want to see them around the 18 mm size before we pull the hsg trigger. I really don't mind waiting a couple of extra days.

Last night was the first night that I felt unusually tired and I am definately feeling it today. I don't know if the foll.stim is catching up with me or what, but I feel pretty wiped out.

C got a lesson from the nurse on how to administer a booty-shot. I was surprised to see how fast she needs to go in!! It's like throwing a dart! With the tummy shots - I've been going in pretty slow and usually don't feel much. At least I won't be able to see it coming.

Peace and love to everyone out there!


Anonymous said...

Great news! I hope it all continues to go swimmingly. My husband was pretty fearful about doing the shots, but he turned out to be a pro. If you do find them to a painful experience there is a thinner PIO that is compounded by the Medicine Shoppe in San Ramon (I'm not sure what part of CA you live, but they probably ship), and it is supposed to be more comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Great news! Everything sounds like it's right on track. Good luck!

S. said...

sounds like the follies are doing great!! the booty-shot is the one im nervous about too :) i think it will help not to see it happen!

Lizzie said...

Thinking of you so much. My booty shot (trigger shot) never hurts - is that what you're getting? Hcg trigger? It'll be fine!! Take care. So excited for you ....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everythings coming along nicely - here's hoping with you :)