I’m back after a long break and am so thrilled to see so many pregnancies and babies from all the bloggers out there!
I’m over the hump of trying to navigate single-motherhood, return to work, house-sale, move, divorce, name-changes, etc. Now I’m trying to settle into my life as it is each day rather than gearing up for the next big moving-on-milestone.
My son is almost 10 months old and gets better every day. I won’t go into too much detail about what transpired between 10 weeks and 10 months, but here are some highlights:
• He started as a terrible sleeper. For his first 4 months, he would only sleep latched on to me. I spent those nights ‘sleeping’ sitting up on a couch. At about the 4 month mark, when he could roll himself over on his stomach – it was a whole new world. Then came 5 and 6 hour stretches IN HIS CRIB at a time and now we are probably 50/50 with a full sleep through the night. The other 50% he usually wakes up once and needs to be rocked back to sleep – this is pretty manageable.
• Eating has been relatively easy compared to sleeping. He hasn’t really met a vegetable he doesn’t like. Fruit is OK as long as it’s heavily diluted in oatmeal or plain yogurt. We’ve moved on to some finger foods, which he kind of refuses to feed himself. In fact, he usually picks them or his sippy cup up and hands them to me so that I can feed him myself. Pretty funny.
• Still breastfeeding. This has been easy all along the way, the only bummer is how quickly the supply shrinks. He’s still getting about 10-12 ounces of breastmilk per day (1 nursing session and the rest in bottles) and about 12 ounces of formula.
• Day care – since my split, my mom has been coming out to San Diego for two weeks each month to help me take care of my guy. She and I have a great relationship and I know how lucky I am to have the help. Because of this, I am able to afford a babysitter the other two weeks of the month. I love my babysitter – I found her on a website called care dot com.
• He’s got two bottom teeth and his first top one just broke through.
• When he’s not crawling - he’s pulling himself up on anything he can.
• He is starting to play games with me like laughing and crawling away really fast so I’ll chase him.
I love being a mom. I knew I’d love it, I didn’t know how much. I know everyone says this and it sounds trite – but he is the greatest thing I’ve ever done.
I’m glad to be back.
Here's my guy:

Look at that beautiful boy. I can only imagine what a roller coaster ride the last year has been for you. But I'm glad you're back, and I hope that the upcoming year is much easier on you.
welcome back to blogland!! he is *beautiful*!!!
It is so good to hear from you again, and your son is positively gorgeous. So glad to hear that you are doing ok and loving your life as a mom.
He's gorgeous! Glad to see you back to blogging and to hear that things are moving along smoothly!
Welcome back! So happy to hear that things are moving along smoothly and that you have your mom to help you out. Mothers are truly a blessing. Your boy is soooo cute! I love his cheeks and those eyes...yum!
Welcome back!
I have thought of you often and kept you on my reader,hoping for an update one day.
Your son is so handsome and it sounds like you are doing well! Keep us posted :-)
Welcome back!!Your son is very handsome. you should be very proud of yourself for being a single mama. I only had to do it for 5 days and it was rough.
Welcome back, great to hear from you and see your beautiful boy! Glad to hear you're doing okay too, I'm sure the last ten months have been rough but you sound like you're on the right track so good on you!
He's gorgeous! I am so glad you are back. I've missed hearing from you!
my security word is bless!
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