Sorry for going MIA. Between work and the 3rd trimester insanity, I couldn't find enough time to keep this blog up. I was reading blogs as often as I could, but just didn't have it in me to update.
In the off chance that anyone is still out there, I'm thrilled to announce the arrival of our son. He was born via c-section on June 23 weighing 7 lbs 2 ounces and measuring 19.75 inches. He is beautiful and we are falling more in love with him each day. The picture is our boy at two weeks.
The c-section was not in the birth plan, but had to be done because, apparently, I've got a platapoid pelvis. This made it difficult for him to enter the birth canal. It was a really difficult turn of events as I was really hoping for a natural birth. Our OB was really wonderful though the whole thing. He was just as into the natural birth as we were. When it became apparent that surgery was imminent, he gave us time to mourn the loss of the birth we wanted and was really gentle through the whole procedure. I was most terrified of getting the spinal. I've heard horror stories and I was really freaked out that something would go wrong or that I'd have terrible lasting effects, but it turned out to be very manageable. The hospital staff was top-notch.
The recovery from the c-section has been a piece of cake. I realize how lucky I am for this. I took vicadin and ibuprofin while I was in the hospital (4 days) and then stopped all meds about 3 days after discharge.
Breastfeeding is going really well too. We're finally at the point where I can start pumping, which is great because C can help out with the feeding.
On the down side, our little boy is a little sleep resistant and doesn't seem to like any of the beds we have for him. He doesn't sleep unless he's on my chest and this makes for a horrible night's sleep for me. It's amazing to me how quickly one can get used to 4-5 hours of sleep per night and getting 3 uninterrupted hours is like winning the lottery. Anyone have any tips on how to get a baby in a crib?
im still here! it's so good to hear from you ~ congratulations on the birth of your son, he is beautiful!!
yipee!!!! What a gorgeous little boy he is!! Congrats!
Congratulations on your beautiful boy! And you have my condolences on the non-sleeping thing. We've been there. We use a sleep positioner, white noise machine, swaddle, and pacifier to get him to sleep. Things are much easier now at almost 3 months, but oh...those first few weeks were terrible. Hang in there.
thanks for the update and congratulations!! what a wee cutie pie he is. enjoy.
many blessings to you two and your little one....he is adorable!!!!!
i have no advice to offer....we still let our little guy sleep with us.
Congrats!! He is soooo adorable! Glad your back!
Congratulations! He's adorable!
Congratulations, he's so beautiful!
As for getting baby into the crib we had the same problem with the big guy and we found out he had reflux which was waking him everytime we put him on his back. Once that was taken care of, it was just a matter of preference (he would prefer to sleep with us) so we would put him down after he fell asleep and would keep leaning over the crib still holding him for a while until we were sure he was going to stay asleep. Kills your back but it worked for us.
So glad I popped back to check your blog. He is the sweetest looking boy.
congrats! ive been following your blog all this time, hoping to finally meet the little guy. :)
Congrats! You disappeared for so long, but I'm very happy to hear that everything is going well and your son is here in this big world.
I hope he's sleeping better by you (and you too!).
Do you have an Amby Baby? I've heard good things about them.
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