Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Children's Clothing Swap

Have any of you heard of or worked with this site?

It's an online, children's clothing swap community. It looks pretty interesting and am just wondering if any of you guys have had luck with this or a similar service.

My guy goes through clothes pretty fast and I love the idea of not buying stuff that he'll end up wearing just a handful of times.

Oh, here's a neat thing. Kodak is offering 20 free birth announcements. You have to choose from specific layouts, but the cool thing is that you can upload pictures and make your own thank you notes or greeting cards or whatever. They end up costing less than $3 with shipping.


anofferingoflove said...

thanks for the tip about kodak - just ordered my cards!! :)

havent heard of the other site, but it looks cool...

Anonymous said...

i haven't heard of the site but it does sound interesting. i would love to hear what others have to say.

Strawberry said...

You disappeared again! Thinking of you.